Teaser sneak peek!

Take a sneak peek of the website in it's progress!
Hello there, I am happy to inform you that we have a great sneak peak of the front-end website on your way! Our front-end (and back-end) developers, designers & QA's have worked so so hard on making DragonDrop what it is in such little time. Your probably getting bored of reading this, so here are the screenshots! 2 for today, more later.

This isn't all of the homepage. We have more in the works and I can't wait to show you! All the text will get improved over time!

This is the team currently when this post was posted. Please ignore the extra navbar in the middle of the screen, That isn't actually there, it's my website page screenshotter, it takes the navbar twice...

That's it for now!

Executive Management Team @ DragonDrop

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