DragonDrop Updates

Hello there! This is a post about what is going on with DragonDrop, as this blog has not seen activity for awhile. I would like to note that I was gone for a while, so that is part of the reason this blog has not been so active lately.

The first thing I would like to talk about is that we are working on the editor itself, right now! We reached out to the Scratch community to see if anyone wanted to help us test. The results were amazing! We will be having 15 scratchers assist us in testing, along with the DragonDrop team. We are hoping to extend this number EVEN MORE, shortly!

Before I go on to topic number two, I would like to show you a couple of pictures of how the entire website is coming!

This is how the editor is coming. You can see the different elements used to create your site!

You may have been able to see that in that picture someone was building a site. This is how it turned out:

There are also some additional pictures of how the site itself is coming. I will show you  them now


We will have many more images coming later!

The next thing I would like to talk about is the fact that we have recently gotten our own server! We will be hosting lots of websites on it, along with Databases. You will be able to try out test sites hosted on the server soon!

Although there are a million other things I would like to talk about, I would like to discuss two very special ones. The first is this video we have created. 

I hope you check it out. It is a truly amazing video.

Now the last thing I would like to talk about is an event that will be happening soon. On October 1st we will have a time where I publicly send a link to a slideshow I made with some excellent info, and the DragonDrop helpers will have fun together helping in a special way. More info will be coming out soon :) 

Thank you


CEO of DragonDrop

Blog Changes + Dragon Drop WIKI!

If you have ever been on this blog, then you may have noticed some of the recent changes made. If you haven't, then Welcome! 

Here is a quick recap of the site changes.

Site Header- We have inserted our new signature into the header position. Hopefully this looks more classy than before.

New Font- We have chosen a new font for all that is written on this blog. 

We would appreciate feedback on these changes.

Dragon Drop Wiki- You can check out our wiki located here.We have begun working on many pages that will help you learn about our project. Any Suggestions are appreciated. 


Senior Management Team

Social medias

We now have set up 4 social medias for DragonDrop with (maybe) more to come!
The team working at DragonDrop have now created four social medias for sharing updates on the development. The four are YouTube, Instagram, Twitter and Google+. Today I have pictures of all four social medias set up with links underneath!

Thanks for reading,
Executive manager at DragonDrop

We NEED Backend Coders!

Hey guys! Thank you ALL for your support to get Dragon Drop started :). It is much appreciated!

The one thing that surprised us most, is that when we rolled applications for Dragon Drop out we got so many amazing applications to help with Dragon Drop! We loved this, because we knew we would be able to get it done pretty fast because we had so much help :). But after looking at how many awesome people were on the list, we noticed one job that there weren't enough Scratchers for. This job was the Backend Coder job.

Although we only have slightly more people doing the other jobs (QA's, frontend coders, translators, designers, etc.), the backend is a project that takes many more people to complete. Without backend coders, the editor wouldn't work!

That is why we are reaching out for your help! Although we have closed up applications for many of the other jobs, we need AT LEAST five backend coders to have the site out on time, and currently only have two. If you get accepted as a backend coder, you will now get a shoutout on the HOMEPAGE (and the credits page) for a month, AND you will get a follow from both golden-scratch and I on Scratch. You will also get a follow from me on Github :)

So what are you waiting for? All you need is a couple accounts, coding knowledge, and a bit of time!

Help us turn a dream into a site :)

Thank you,

Founder of DragonDrop

QnA for our FAQ!

We want to see what you have to say!
So, we're trying to create our FAQ page on the website, however we need some legitimate questions asked by people. So we decided that we will make a blog post on a QnA. You go ahead and comment any question about DragonDrop you have in mind and either me or Coke11 on Scratch will answer it for you. You'll get credited in the source code if your question seems like one people would likely ask now and then!

Thanks for all the support you guys have given us along the way, we're amazed by the amount of blog views we've gained so far!

Executive management team of DragonDrop

[Note added from coke11 - If you do not feel comftorable posting a comment on the blog, feel free to let one of us (golden or I) know on our profiles. Thanks!]

Teaser sneak peek!

Take a sneak peek of the website in it's progress!
Hello there, I am happy to inform you that we have a great sneak peak of the front-end website on your way! Our front-end (and back-end) developers, designers & QA's have worked so so hard on making DragonDrop what it is in such little time. Your probably getting bored of reading this, so here are the screenshots! 2 for today, more later.

This isn't all of the homepage. We have more in the works and I can't wait to show you! All the text will get improved over time!

This is the team currently when this post was posted. Please ignore the extra navbar in the middle of the screen, That isn't actually there, it's my website page screenshotter, it takes the navbar twice...

That's it for now!

Executive Management Team @ DragonDrop

Slogan Results!

Hello there! I am excited to announce on behalf of the entire Dragon Drop team, our new slogan. So please drum role!!!!!!!!!! [Insert that sound here]

And it is:


(slogan by #thehen)

Thank you all for your wonderful suggestions, they were all amazing and it was SO hard to pick just one. Please let me know in the comments what you think of this slogan. Thank you so much, and have a great day :)

Dragon Drop Founder

P.S - I know we promised screen shots in the next post. That is coming late today or early tomorrow.

New members to the team!

Welcome our new members to the DragonDrop Team!
We recently opened up our applications forum where you could apply for a job at DragonDrop. We have had lot's of applications and have also accepted a lot too. Here are the Scratch usernames of the team members who have recently joined us:

  • ZLGames
  • PackersRuleGoPack
  • -stache-
  • IcyCoder
  • MegaByteCorporations
  • csf30816
  • World_Languages
  • and card100

So say a big hello, and welcome to them!

To see the full list of people helping with this awesome site please click here. Thanks!

Also, the Olympics have just started so good luck to our teams!

P.S pssst. next blog post will be a sneak peek on our current progress!

Applications Open!

Applications for DragonDrop Team have been officially opened! 
Hi there people, I am happy to announce to you that the developer and designer applications are now open! If you have a Scratch account then please post an application over here: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/211653/, me and the team will be looking forward to your applications!

However if you don't have a Scratch account (which some of you do because Blogger will send people to random, interesting blogs) you can post a comment here and copy the application format from the Scratch thread!

Thank's guys, I'll see you around.

Slogan/Motto Ideas From You!

Can you come up with a motto/slogan for DragonDrop?
Hi there, I'm @golden-scratch once again and what we need is a slogan! Something catchy that fits the theme of our website. Just to refresh, the website is a drag'n'drop website editor in which you drag'n'drop elements to customize your own website. The slogan needs to be short and catchy.

Please drop us a comment at either my account:
https://scratch.mit.edu/users/golden-scratch/ or coke11's at:
or if you have a Google account and it's quicker, drop us a comment below by the ( ) Comments button. Remember to include your Scratch Account if you do decide to do it that way.

Thanks guys and stay awesome.
~golden-scratch - designer and junior developer of Dragon Drop.

Ideas: (added by +coke11 on Scratch)

-Just dragon drop! -- Idea from "-PandaPlays-"
-It's simple to Dragon Drop -- Idea from "AceBolt92"
 Drop your website , Drop your dream, Drop a dragon --- pioutch

Welcome to the Development Blog

Here you can get your hand on some juicy development information.  This is the official blog for the development of the project. This will get updated at least once a week with information to keep your hype up. We will also ask you now and again to help us on our journey by giving suggestions and commenting. Below you will find some of the useful links on how to see what we're doing.

Github: https://github.com/dragon-drop-scratch
Trello: https://trello.com/b/nSqRQZud/dragondrop
Project: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/117119230

Enjoy and we'll see you around.

All content found on this blog belongs to @coke11 and/or @golden-scratch. You may use any content on the blog, however we appreciate if you ask first. Thank you