Slogan/Motto Ideas From You!

Can you come up with a motto/slogan for DragonDrop?
Hi there, I'm @golden-scratch once again and what we need is a slogan! Something catchy that fits the theme of our website. Just to refresh, the website is a drag'n'drop website editor in which you drag'n'drop elements to customize your own website. The slogan needs to be short and catchy.

Please drop us a comment at either my account: or coke11's at:
or if you have a Google account and it's quicker, drop us a comment below by the ( ) Comments button. Remember to include your Scratch Account if you do decide to do it that way.

Thanks guys and stay awesome.
~golden-scratch - designer and junior developer of Dragon Drop.

Ideas: (added by +coke11 on Scratch)

-Just dragon drop! -- Idea from "-PandaPlays-"
-It's simple to Dragon Drop -- Idea from "AceBolt92"
 Drop your website , Drop your dream, Drop a dragon --- pioutch

Welcome to the Development Blog

Here you can get your hand on some juicy development information.  This is the official blog for the development of the project. This will get updated at least once a week with information to keep your hype up. We will also ask you now and again to help us on our journey by giving suggestions and commenting. Below you will find some of the useful links on how to see what we're doing.


Enjoy and we'll see you around.

All content found on this blog belongs to @coke11 and/or @golden-scratch. You may use any content on the blog, however we appreciate if you ask first. Thank you